Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Effort and Skill to make a Skeleton--- Cooperative Musical Chairs

 The Human Body has been a great thing to study because it full of systems. Ms. Mickey Chamberlain of Latah County Health Department has been a great co- teacher. She is our expert nurse and has helped the kids find their pulse, learn about the bones,  and understand the muscles. Besides memorizing the 32 main bones of the body, the kids had a project to construct a skeleton. They were only given 4'8'' of yarn and had to cut 4" segments to be the ligaments for the bones. They had to balance working on individual material with a due date. It was hard-- the urge to socialize is strong, but learning to get work done is a must. The level of the work must reflect quality too. The kids did a lot of discussion about what was important to show what reflected a high level skeleton.

Here is the rubric. They really have done a great job assessing their work. Plus the feedback they have given each other on how they self evaluated has been very honest and well stated. They have grown a lot in knowing that integrity in their work is important and is a true measurement of their learning.

Tying square knots was hard. We did practicing in Morning Meeting and at other times.

The fourth grade has come a long way in cooperation...this is a fun game and they love that they made it to one chair!! Everyone loves Morning Meeting Activities. Now the  Morning Meetings are led by 2 classmates on Tuesdays. They have been doing a great job and have really learned a lot of leadership skills.

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